Posted on: January 13, 2021 Posted by: Nabeel Rashid Comments: 32

Austria which is also known as “Republic of Austria” located in Southern part of Central Europe. The most interesting fact about Austria is that it is composed of nine federated States namely Burgenland, Carinthia, Lower Austria, Salzburg, Styria, Tyrol, Upper Austria, Vienna and Vorarlberg.  Austria is a country with population of 8,935,112 along with its capital Vienna.

Austria is considered as one of the famous tourist destinations throughout the year due to several reasons. Some tourists are attracted towards it due its quiet and calm Alps during the winter season while others are attracted towards it because of beautiful locations, historical forts, food, culture, natural beauties and a lot more. The country carrying history of more than 1000 years has a lot to offer to its visitors to create some mesmerizing memories.


Hofburg Palace is one of the eye-catching attractions in Vienna as it carries a long history of centuries and along with its cultural importance. This spectacular Palace has witnessed centuries of Monarchy and carries variety of architectural influences including Renaissance, Gothic and Classicism. 

Hofburg Palace carries the area around 59acres including 19courtyards, 2600rooms, offices, lavish imperial banquets, three museums, imperial silver collection and a Church. Now, this beautiful Palace is a work place and residence of President of Austria.

“Sisi museum” is one of the must visit place inside the Palace which is dedicated to the Empress Elisabeth (1837-1898) of Austria. This museum gives us perfect depiction of the life of the Empress from her coronation till death.


When we talk about the history of horse riding art, it began centuries back. No body exactly know about its beginning time but many historians claim that it began almost 2500 years ago during the period of Greeks. When we talk about the beginning of Spanish Riding School in Vienna, it began in the 16th Century when Emperor Maximillian II brought the Spanish Andalusian horses to Austria in 1562 and founded the court.

With the passage of time, this place gained more and more importance. Magnificent Hall was designed in 1735 in order to present demonstration of riding skills to Nobles of that period. Even today, it is one of the rare places in this world where aristocratic classical style of riding is still practiced. As a tourist if you are planning to visit Vienna then don’t forget to book your tickets for watching the rare performance of Horses in Spanish Riding School.


Every country has its own fascinating attractions as far as cuisines and traditions are concerned. If you are visiting Austria for the first time then you should explore some of the delicious dishes to have an exciting memorable experience of your life.


I would recommend you to try one of the famous dishes in Austria i.e. Wiener Schnitel. This food is found almost everywhere in Austria. This food is easily available even from food stalls to expensive restaurants. It is similar to fish with chips but Schnitzel is prepared along with fried potatoes, sour cream and onions.


This is one of the well-known cuisine in Austria. It is also referred as National Dish of Austria. It is prepared by boiled beef broth along with root vegetables, spices, horseradish and minced apples. This classic dish is found almost in every part of the country with little bit of experimental variations by restaurants all over to make their Tafelspitz more tasty.


Topfentascherl is one of the most delicious desserts found in Austria. This dessert is common and can easily be found in household meals, bakeries and even in local restaurants. Most attractive thing about this dessert is that it is a pastry filled with different type of fruits instead of sugar which makes it delicious and healthy at the same time. Commonly used fruits to fill the pastry includes banana and apricot but some other variety of fruits are also be used by different bakeries to provide their customers diversity of flavors within Topfentascheri.

Note: We are thankful to the following for our research work.

32 People reacted on this

  1. Vienna is known as the city of wonders and attractions. Great research Nabeel Rashid like always. Nice addition of Austrian author Marlene in your team.

  2. Nice work Nabeel Rashid and Marlene Maria Muckenhuber.I agree that The Spanish Riding School is the only place in today’s modern world where we can find the aristocratic classical style of riding… Thanks for sharing this information through your article. Write more articles about Vienna and other interesting places in Austria

  3. Marlene great job. I was at Vienna. Your description and details are great. It is an amazing invitation. Thank you so much ❤️

    1. Alexandra, Thanks for your kind words. Your presence on the website is always delightful. Its interesting that you visited Vienna once. It must a memorable tour.

  4. Nice article Nabeel Rashid. Thanks for sharing this information. I am regular reader of your website. Its great to have some new piece of knowledge every weekend. Keep providing us these kind articles in future too.

  5. Excellent article Nabeel Rashid and Marlene Maria Muckenhuber. Keep it up!
    As you have mentioned in your opening paragraph that Austria has 9 states. Write more about those different states of Austria. You can even write about all these 8 other remaining states, their food, culture, architecture,music and much more.. Good Luck

  6. Thanks for giving us such a beautiful information about “The cCity of Wonders and Attractions”. Keep it up Nabeel Rashid and Marlene Muckenhuber

  7. Nice article, Marlene, I will try the recipe of “Wiener Schnitzel” at home this weekend. Looks delicious food. Thanks for sharing.

  8. Nabeel Rsshid you are growing day by day…MashaAllah…I found most fascinating place “Spanish Riding School” and the museum.. Austria is the place of historical Monuments and a lot more….Thanks for sharing.

  9. Great work Nabeel, its so fascinating
    I feel like I visited there by your article!
    Your articles are so informative MashAllah 👍

  10. Great research Nabeel Rashid, i always read your articles they are very well explained in less words. I also liked the portion of Marlene. Wish you best of luck for future articles too.

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