Posted on: March 22, 2022 Posted by: Nabeel Rashid Comments: 7

Art is the creativity in the mind of the person to express any idea, concept, feelings, beauty or ills of the society. The creativity of the artist usually comes directly from the heart that is why most of the time it is different from the casual norms of the society.  Artist can use variety of genres to express their art and creativity. For instance, Painting, poetry, prose, sculpture etc.  

Life of an artist is different from the lives of other casual people. A true artist does not care about materialistic things. Whether you get success or not, it is irrelevant. He just want to be heard and identified by the society for his services.  His prime purpose is to make unknown known to the society through his art and creativity.

In today’s article, we are presenting a true artist from Gampaha, Sri Lanka and some of his masterpieces.


“Art is not what you see, but what make others see” (Edgar Degas)

Industrial Revolution, usually considered as an industrial improvement for humanity but in reality it was building and breaking the society at the same time. The horse and the car depicts the past and the present of the society. Standards of life are diluting and corrupting as the time passes from the past towards present. The big cities offer drugs, casinos and forbidden love.

Life of an artist is shown artistically. A creative person is sitting with a guitar and enjoying the true colors of art. The canvas is full of artistic masterpiece while the scenario outside the canvas shows the struggle and hard work behind that creativity which the artist has gone through to achieve it.

This picture was drawn with a broken heart as it shows the dark side of our world where a child is not looked after by her parents. She is poor and has faced a lot just because of her poverty and negligence from her parents. She is barely able to eat and could not bring the light of hope inside her soul again as her heart is dead from inside. Empty bottles are rolling and trash is everywhere shows what is going on in the life of her father. Her family has thrown her away like a rotten egg because she was unable to earn money. The society never cares for that child that has no guardian in her life and innocence of those children as lost due to dark behavior of humanity towards them. The flowers of innocence are lost forever.

No one understands the beauty of simplicity and nature together. Living in the nature with minimal features without any luxury of electricity, electronic devices, prepared food and other stuff. Initially, it would be hard but the peace of mind and freedom you will discover slowly and gradually would make your life easier. The taste of nature that can not be earned by anything else, not even wealth. The little handmade cabin increases the worth of the home. Fire shows that someone is already enjoying the beautiful atmosphere. He is far away from the city in a jungle, that’s why all the far away stars are visible.

The moon is shining, wind is blowing. Everything looks beautiful and attractive but the core and the central thing is missing, “The Two Human Hearts.” The entire scenario would have been perfect in presence of a girl and a boy. A perfect couple living a perfect life but life is not perfect and some dreams remain unfulfilled.

A poor child from medieval age. This is the age of innocence and she spent all she had just to become happy within the limited resources she had. The innocence and pure joy of a kid, never depends on class distribution. Kids are kids with pure heart, free from all the distributions on planet earth. They know how to enjoy their life.

A temple in the school that reminds me of my childhood memories. It is basically a symbol of Sri Lankan Buddhist schools.

Wolfs are strong, powerful, dominating animals. It shows the power of strength and courage. When we look at the lives of wolves it gives us courage to continue our struggle.

Fire in a drinking glass. It’s unusual. Few people consider it as a sign of courage during struggling period while others take it as an odd sign and could be found in weird places you’d never think.

The image of a protagonist, she is mature, intelligent, elegant and simple woman, who knows how to look beautiful with minimal effort. She has a caring heart. She’s successful in life. She has never done anything wrong as her heart is so pure. She never let emotions run over her. She is a strong woman but still carries the soft heart of a woman.

That’s an Eagle. One of the most adorable and respectable bird because of its accuracy, speed, sharp vision, strength, dominance and sacrifice. It reminds us the story that eagles break their nails and claws when they grow too long? That’s the payback for killing animals. And they pay it. That’s how they goes through poetic justice.

That’s a driver, one of the greatest among the elite athletes. It is adorable to see how much they train, how mentally and physically fit they are. I have a ton of respect for them. To show my respect towards sportsmen, I draw them.

During 17th century, a place where simplicity and nature is at its peak. It is a continent free from all the laws and boundaries. Human beings are free to live freely without any visas, passports or any other restrictions.

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