Posted on: December 15, 2021 Posted by: Nabeel Rashid Comments: 24

Independence is of the basic rights of human being but it is given to those blessed ones whose forefathers have given sacrifice to earn it. There is a famous saying about freedom “Liberty will not descend to a people, a people must raise themselves to liberty; it is a blessing that must be earned before it can be enjoyed.”


The highest value of free Kazakhstan is its independence

(N. A Nazarbayev)

The word “Independence “gives us warmth, strength and energy. Neither the heat of December, nor the freezing ice, did not frighten the Kazakh youth. In thirty years, the country is new, the country is improving, the land is reviving, and the attention of the whole world is on our country. It is a proud moment to say that Kazakhstan is recognized by the whole world. Happy 30th anniversary of our country, which in a short time became an example for the foreign countries!

Homeland is the most important, dearest and most beloved word. Each person has his own homeland. By this word I mean our school, our family, our beautiful village, our entire vast Republic of Kazakhstan. Our Republic was born many years ago. People did not think that their life would change, and the whole world would talk about Kazakhstan. Our state is considered still very young, and all the best in it, as in ours, is yet to come. And surprisingly well and peacefully our peoples live in their native country. There is no war, no quarrels, we live together in peace and harmony.

The Chronicle of Independence of modern Kazakhstan begins on December 16, 1991. On this day, Kazakhstan declared itself an independent sovereign state. Almost 30 years ago, having gained its independence, Kazakhstan opened a new milestone in the history: it got stronger and achieved great results in its development. Our country, embarking on a new path of development, has embodied the age-old dreams of the people of freedom.

There are many achievements in the annals of the 30th anniversary of Independence. But, of course, one of the most important is the creation of a young beauty of the Capital – Nur-Sultan in the Saryarka steppe. Nur-Sultan is a bridge of friendship where civilizations, religions and cultures intersect, a place where a particle of the soul of our entire people lives.

My Kazakhstan is high mountains, golden steppes, transparent rivers and lakes; it is the art of akyns and artists; it is music of kyuis, folk legends and fairy tales. But the most important wealth of Kazakhstan is the world that reigns on earth for many years.

After all, people from different nations live here, each has its own language, its own customs. But all people are united by friendship and understanding. Our Motherland is a rich and a strong state.

Aksukent…. My native village…. When I say these words, in my imagination, the endless expanse of the steppes and the river Ak-su appears in my memory. A gentle breeze plays with silky green herbs.

The vastness of the sky, deep blue sky and white-white clouds. This is my homeland – the village of Aksukent, which is located in the Turkestan region of the Sairam district.

Over the years of Independence, Aksukent has changed its appearance. Tidy houses line the spacious, cozy streets. In the center of the village, there is a wonderful park – a place for recreation and games for children and adults. In our village, there is a House of Culture, shopping centers, a bazaar (market) and many different shops, supermarkets, cafes – bars, restaurants, a hotel, beauty salons, post office, banks, sports complexes, kindergartens, a library, schools where training is conducted in Kazakh, Russian and Uzbek languages … In short, at the moment our village looks like a town, because of independence.

This year 30 years of independence, which has shown its kindness, hospitality, and managed to unite in solidarity and unity with representatives of other nationalities living in our country, show its generosity and overcome many high passes. During these 30 years of independence, our country has become more prosperous, individualized, and demonstrated its special values to the whole world. We have participated in many international Olympiads, played chess, played sports, sang the national anthem, and raised the Blue Flag. I believe that all this is due to independence. Our country has been recognized by the world, we are calm and free from the conflicts that are taking place abroad, and this is certainly the support of our first president, Nursultan Abishevich Nazarbayev, who has been the President of our country for almost 30 years.

There are many good states and lands in the world, besides Kazakhstan, but a person has one own mother – one he has and his Motherland. Our state is considered very young, and all the best for it, like ours, lies ahead. My generation inherited a free, independent state. It depends on us what our life will be like in the future, what our native Kazakhstan will become! We must learn to value friendship and peace. It is a great happiness for everyone that Kazakhstanis live in peace and harmony.

We must know the history of our state, respect the laws of our people, preserve for our descendants the folk wisdom handed down to us in the traditions. And only then we will not live our life in vain.

24 People reacted on this

    1. Great read Nabeel and Gulrukh!
      There are many interesting points but I really liked this one: “Our country has been recognized by the world, we are calm and free from the conflicts that are taking place abroad, and this is certainly the support of our first president, Nursultan Abishevich Nazarbayev, who has been the President of our country for almost 30 years.“
      In my opinion, this is what brings stability to a realm. Keep going!!

  1. Great effort Gulirukh Madam, it was a pleasure to read about Kazakhstan… You are lucky to have such great politicians in your country…

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