Posted on: November 22, 2020 Posted by: Nabeel Rashid Comments: 22

When we talk about the largest country on this planet earth, the first name which comes in our mind is none other than Russia as it covers the area of 17,125,200 square kilometers which is more than one-eighth of earth’s inhabited land area.  Russia is located in Northern Asia and Eastern Europe. It begins from Baltic Sea in the west to the Pacific Ocean in the east and from Arctic Ocean in north towards black Sea and Caspian Sea in the South. Another eye catching fact about this beautiful country is that it has eleven time zones and it has direct borders with sixteen sovereign nations. Moscow is capital and largest city of the country.

Moscow is the city of dreams and adventure for almost everyone whether you are a tourist, explorer, business man, researcher, historian, photographer, fine arts student, artist, painter or a literature person. It has something for almost every visitor. The name of Moscow stand on Moskya River in Russia.

When this beautiful city was established for the first time, no body exactly knows but some people claim that there was a letter written between two nobles back in 1147, even at that time Moscow was present and discussed in that letter. With the passage of time this city has witnessed countless rise and fall throughout the centuries and now has become one of the most important cities of the world. As the northern most and coldest mega city on this globe, Moscow has its own attractions which cannot be explored anywhere else. This is the reason why it one of the fastest growing tourist destinations worldwide.


Metro travelling in Moscow is one of the unique experience which can be explored exclusively in Moscow. Every metro station is designed in such a different way which gives you the best example of art and architecture.

Some of them even gives you the details of masterpiece of historical culture, traditions and architecture. 

Just visiting every station of metro is itself a fascinating experience. Sometimes you feel that you are visiting different museums at every station. Each station has a unique decoration and theme which tells a long story behind it.

If you are a photographer, you can design a yearly calendar just by taking twelve best snaps of your life at these stations.

If you are a creative person and you are waiting for the arrival of the train, in the meantime, the beauty of the station multiplies your creativity. It is just the atmosphere of every station which creates impact all over.


Bolshoi Theatre is one of the historical buildings and at the same time it carries the status of an iconic building as far as opera performances and ballet are concerned. This beautiful theatre was built for the first time in 1821-1824. It was designed and supervised by one of the renowned architect of that time Joseph Bovee.

This theatre was opened for the first time on 18th January 1825. During the initial years of the theatre, it presented local Russian works but after 1840, it allowed foreign composers and international performances.   

Even today, Bolshoi Theatre is famous worldwide due the quality performances which are presented here. This beautiful neo-classical building has so much to offer its audience which makes it house full on almost every show and most of the time you have to purchase the advance tickets at least three to months prior to the show otherwise you may miss the show or have to purchase the ticket at higher rates from the reseller which is around 220 euros. All in all, it can be said that if you are not a literature person even than this beautiful theatre is worthy of visiting at least once.



Red Square is considered as heart of Russia. This place is considered as landmark of Moscow and entire country. This place is also known as central square of Moscow as it connects major streets of the city towards major highways of Russia. Red Square carries a vast history to its name.

This place has witnessed countless kings, famous personalities, politicians, revolutions, battles, world war, peaceful and challenging eras for centuries one after another. This is the reason why this place is considered worthy in countless manners. In 1990, UNESCO World Heritage Site recognized Red Square and The Kremlin due to its famous history since 13th century.


Every region has its own specialty as far as cuisines are concerned. Here, I am mentioning you some of the local dishes which are commonly found almost everywhere in Russia and are delicious at the same time for even universal tourists.  First of all, highly recommended dish is Blini (блины) also known as Russian pancakes, can be eaten both as a dessert with jam or with meat filling.

After that, Borsch (борщ) is made up of red beetroot soup with sour cream.

Another famous cuisine of Russia includes Pelmeni (пельмени) or Russian dumplings famous due to its delicious taste.

Solyanka (Солянка) – a little bit of everything in the soup pickles, lemons, olives, sausages. It is a bit sour, but delicious cuisine loved by almost every visitor.

Russian salad (Салат Оливье) – very popular salad in Russia, typically consists of boiled potatoes, carrots, eggs, peas and mayonnaise.

Pirogi (пироги) – a pie with different fillings like meat, chicken etc

All in all, it can be concluded that Moscow is known as home of famous personalities because it has served countless artists, performers, scientists and sports figures.  This city is also known as hub of World Heritage Sites due to its unmatched attractions; which are even recognized by UNESCO. Just one tour for visiting this classy and sophisticated place in not enough. It makes you addict to visit again and again.”

Note: We are thankful to the following for providing us guide during research.

22 People reacted on this

  1. Such a beautiful article and information.. How much creative these architects of Moscow are.. I wish we have similar kind of stations and metro service all over Pakistan too.

  2. I must confess that Russian Architects are far ahead than entire architects of Planet earth as far as architecture of metro stations is concerned. Honestly, i m impressed by your this article. Heads off to you Nabeel Rashid, such a marvelous author you are.

  3. Buhat khoob, Nabeel Rashid is article se tau aapne apne sab fans ke dil he jeet liye….this article will remain a masterpiece among ur all articles. waqi buhat khub jug jug jiyoo

  4. Nice work… Three things admired me most in this article…
    1. Metro stations…….
    2.decious food
    3. World’s only northern most mega city.

    Keep it up Nabeel Rashid and Stas

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