Posted on: January 1, 2021 Posted by: Nabeel Rashid Comments: 21

Literature is the reflection of humanity and books of literature are mirror of any society in which human beings live. Everything that happens in a society can be recorded, documented and learned with reasoning why it all happened. Therefore, Literature plays a significant role in development of human personality as it influences human being to understand every walk of life and gives us thought provoking skills.Literature teaches us culture, traditions, psychology of a society where we are already living or the society in which we are about to enters as a foreigner.

Some people claim that if a student is studying chemistry or Information Technology or some other technical subject then why he should study literature? Remember one thing, study of any technical subject like chemistry, Information Technology or any other subject makes you an expert technician in that particular field. May be you become genius in that particular field but literature is a subject which makes you a better human being because it is not a subject which only provides you better opportunities to make wealth in short time but it makes you a person who can foresight the ills of the society today and to cure them gradually in order to make our planet earth a better place for the next generations to come.

When we talk about any literature person like a poet or a philosopher or an intellectual, he is more sensitive than a casual individual and can foresight the society far ahead as compared to casual individuals.Here I would like to mention the famous quote of the Poet of the East, Allama Iqbal. “Nations are born in the hearts of poets, they prosper and die in the hands of politicians.”

There is a saying that if a person studies literature of any two languages properly then he becomes master of understanding the society better than a common man. It develops a sense through which he can even listen unsaid words, he can visualize unseen things, he can feel un-burned flames, and he can sense those things which others cannot. He can play an important role in progress of any society as it also removes the element of racism in human mind because he can understand positive and negative elements of multiple societies at the same time.

Literature develops a human touch in human mind. It makes you think about others. It tells you that self-sacrificing is better than selfishness. We have several examples of those literature persons who are still remembered in almost every society and are honored due to their selfless attitude for humanity like Geoffrey Chaucer (English Literature,) Allama Iqbal (Urdu Literature), Ralph Waldo Emerson (American Literature) and Ivo Andrić (Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian Literature).

Finally, I would like to conclude with a quotation of depth, the depth that can be felt by only those who have thorough study of literature.

“The person who saved just a single human life is equal of saving entire humanity

& the person who killed a single human being is equal of killing entire humanity.”


As a teacher, I can see the enormous impact reading can have on a child. From a very, young age, reading to a child can help develop a child’s language skills. The rhyme in early books help with their speech development.  It will help them discover a love for language and it takes them into a whole new world, where they can expand their vocabulary. This is evidenced in their speech and their writing. It is obvious to see, which children read for pleasure.

A few years ago, for children to read a book, it was a real effort, they preferred their digital games etc. It was quite a concern for teachers. Then J.K.Rowling’s Harry Potter came onto the bookshelves, reading evolved and children started to love the adventures. Since then, there have been many authors that have encouraged children to read and they have even found some of the classics, such as C.S Lewis’s Tales of Narnia, enjoyable. Children say to me that they prefer the books to the films. This really is a revelation!

Note: We are thankful to the following for providing us guide during research.,the%20world%20we%20live%20in.&text=However%2C%20literature%20confirms%20the%20real,us%20to%20understand%20each%20other.

21 People reacted on this

  1. Informative Article…loved your words
    “He can even listen unsaid words, he can visualize unseen things, he can feel un-burned flames, and he can sense those things which others cannot. “

  2. Nice article…. Nabeel Rashid. Addition of Helen Strokes in your team is great. Write an article on life and works of all famous literature personalities specially “Al-Jahiz” who is master of Arabic Literature and we are still unaware of him.

  3. I am amazed to read that “IVO ANDRIC” is such an influential author that three nations are claiming to be their Hero from the literature world…. (Bosnia/Croatia/Serbia) This is the depth of success in literature world … Kindly write something about the life and works of IVO ANDRIC.
    Good Luck!

  4. True , waqai ye 1 aysa qemti khazana hey k jis ka hasil karna dunya k har mazhab waly shakhs k liye intihai zaroori hey aur ye na khatam wali dolat hey , aur os samandar ki manind hey jis ka sira ksi ko maloom nhi. Behtreen article hey ap 2no couple is par aur bhi Bohat kuch likh sakty hein . 😂👍🏻

  5. True , waqai ye 1 haqiqat he aur ye 1 aysa khazana hey k jis ka hasil karna dunya k har mazhab waly shakhs k liye intihai zarori hey , aur ye 1 na khatam hone Wali dolat he. Best article With best couple 😂👍🏻

  6. I agree with you Helen Strokes… J.K.Rowling’s Harry Potter has played a turning point for extensive reading of children… i have read entire series of it during my time of childhood

  7. Good work Nabeel and Helen.
    I agreed with Helen that reading habit develops not only vocabulary but also understanding of society around and canvas in imagination we built through literature was much bigger than limitations of movies.
    I witnessed the era when people used to read books, novels, digests, short stories like an addiction. In my country, parents were quite concerned about this addiction and quality of contents in that literature that time.
    Now IT revolution has changed society around. Netflix, YouTube, Facebook, twitter and other social networking websites has replaced our love towards books and literature.
    This article may be a wakeup call for our society to at least remember the importance of literature and to think what we are losing due to increasing distance from basic literature.

    1. Thanks NOMAN SIDDIQUI, i completely agree with your thoughts. IT revolution has changed a lot. I hope this article becomes a wake up call for some of the youngsters and bring back towards extensive reading.

  8. Great work Nabeel, I totally agree whatever your profession is but no one could deny about the importance of English literature .

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